Four field trials were conducted over a three-year period in southwestern Ontario to assess the level of weed control provided by different halosulfuron tank mixes applied prior to transplantation into white beans. . Trifluralin, s-metolachlor, halosulfuron and imazethapyr used alone or in combination caused visible 4% or less damage 1 and 4 weeks after germination in white beans. PPIs applied to trifluralin, s-metolachlor, halosulfuron and imazethapyr provide 80-96%, 84-95%, 83-100% and 75-92% red root; 19–28%, 30–40%, 97–99% and 73–84% control common ragweed; 94–96%, 63–82%, 96–100% and 96–100% control sheep quarters; Rabies mustard control 14-15%, 12-35%, 100% and 96-97%; and foxtail control were 96–97%, 95–97%, 53–56% and 80–82%, respectively. Two- and three-way tank mixes of halosulfuron with trifluralin, s-metolachlor or imazethapyr provide 85-100% control for red algae, 90-98% control for ragweed, 97-100 control % for lamb, 100% for radish and control 93-98% green mink tail. Weed density, weed biomass and white pea yield reflect the degree of visible weed control.