Tank mixtures of Master 480 SC and POWER 860 SL selective post emergence herbicides against complex sugarcane weeds were evaluated at Wonji-Shoa Sugar Estate to see their synergetic effect. Master 480 SC was combined at 1lt/ha and 1.5lt/ha with POWER 860 at 1lt/ha, 1.5lt/ha and 2lt/ha on a plot size of six furrows of 5 m length each. The experiment was carried out in RCBD design in factorial arrangement with three replications. Hand and Unweeded control plots were included in the trial to ease comparison. Efficacy of the candidate herbicides were determined both qualitatively and quantitatively and phytotoxicity effect was determined qualitatively. The candidate herbicides were found promising result on weed control efficiency both quantitatively and qualitatively. There was no severe crop injury due to the test herbicides reflected on yield. Therefore, the plantation can use the tank mixtures of Master 480 SC at 1lt/ha with POWER 860SL at 1lt/ha for the control of grass and broad weeds and also tank mixtures of Master 480 SC at1.5lt/ha + POWER 860SL at 1.5lt/ha for the control of grass and broad weeds as well as on a sugarcane field dominantly affected by sedge weed species.